GOG Tomb Raider 1-2-3 and wine: several problems and...solutions


this is some problems/solutions I met with GOG TOMB RAIDER 1-2-3 and Linux wine:

1) you use Linux, had installed GOG TOMB RAIDER 1-2-3 version with wine and now want to apply the GOG update file named patch_gogpacktombraider123_1.0.1.5.exe.
But when you launch it, you obtain this error message (or something similar):

Runtime Error (at 55:1503)

Access violation at address 7D990000 in module 'gdiplus.dll'. Read of address 001B5A5C.

Solution: install winetricks then type in a terminal:
$ winetricks gdiplus

Now launch the update, it works!

2) You just installed the GOG TOMB RAIDER 1-2-3 and when you launch TR2, the game crash.

Solution: Apply the GOG update file.

3) You just installed the GOG TOMB RAIDER 1-2-3 and when you launch TR3, the game doesn't start and ask you for the "Tomb Raider III cd".

Solution: Apply the GOG update file.

4) You just installed the GOG TOMB RAIDER 1-2-3, applied the GOG update file and when you launch TR3, you obtain only this message: "Tomb raider 3 failed To Initialise, Please Run Setup"

Solution: launch Tomb Raider 3 in setup mode:
wine tomb3.exe -setup and choose your settings.

Now launch TR3 again, choose your resolution and click on OK, the game now launch.

5) If you want to change Tomb Raider 2 resolution, launch regedit:
$ wine regedit
go to HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Core Design\Tomb Raider II\System\
and change this key:
"WindowHeight and WindowWidth" for window resolution or "FullScreenWidth and FullScreenHeight" for fullscreen resolution.

Here you could change FullScreenBPP to 32 .

6) no music background in Tomb Raider 2 after applied GOG update

  • install GOG Tomb Raider 123
  • go to Tomb Raider 2 install folder and make a copy of tomb2.exe
  • apply GOG update like described in the first post
  • launch the game: there is no more background music
  • replace the tomb2.exe file by the old one, launch the game, you can ear background music

Hope this help some penguins dragguing around here.


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